Post 2.2: Custom Email Domain – SES, Route 53, & SNS

Email Automation Using SES The goal of this article is to set up a custom email address/domain using Simple Email Service (SES) and Route53. Using SES to send emails is beneficial when automating email notifications. I’ll be using the console for simplicity’s sake. I assume you already have a domain registered through Route53, so we can skip straight over to SES. SES – Verify Root Domain The first step is to verify the root domain in SES....

April 22, 2023 · 6 min · 1261 words · David Dacalio

Post 2.1: Custom Email Domain – Tutanota & Route 53

Tutanota The goal of this article is to set up a custom email address/domain using Route 53 and Tutanota. Using Totanota as an email server will allow us to send and receive custom domain emails easily through the Tutanota web interface or app. I won’t go into too many details of why I like Tutanota, other than to mention it is quite affordable for this purpose – €1 per month – and its security features are quite attractive....

April 21, 2023 · 3 min · 609 words · David Dacalio

Post 1.4: WebP Converter – Cloud9

WebP Converter – Cloud9 I’ll take a little detour in this post and offer some assistance in creating a WebP image converter for your Cloud9 instance. I prefer WebP images over traditional jpeg or png file types. I won’t get into the details other than to say that I much prefer the smaller file sizes and better performance for users. You can download the compressed binaries directly from I’ll post the commands you can use to download the binaries below....

April 7, 2023 · 3 min · 468 words · David Dacalio

Post 1.3: S3 Static Website Hosting

Create Public S3 Bucket S3 static website hosting is the easiest way to host websites on AWS. First, let’s create the S3 bucket. S3 has certain rules in place when creating a bucket name, and names must be globally unique. In the example output, you’ll see a random string of numbers appended to the bucket name to provide this uniqueness.: aws s3 mb s3://your-bucket-name Now we need to specify the names of our --index-document and --error-document for static website hosting....

March 26, 2023 · 2 min · 356 words · David Dacalio

Post 1.2: Hugo Web Server

config.yml In this section, I’ll provide a few quick tips on getting your Hugo “localhost” web server up and running. Open your Hugo config.yml file at the root of your theme folder using Cloud9, add the following line, and save. theme: "Papermod" hugo server The hugo server CLI command launches a local test server that allows you to preview any changes made to your website’s code. I will provide the command to view your web server using Cloud9 and explain its components later....

March 25, 2023 · 2 min · 242 words · David Dacalio